[Baypiggies] I can't do presentation tonight/ 2006 Member Survey discussion

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 11 22:16:20 CET 2007

Here is an offer to present tonight:

I still have the May 2006 Member Survey slides,
and am willing to present them briefly again with a view to this time
generating the discussion that they were intended to generate.
With a view to taking tangible decisions or actions.

Last May we got a low attendance, there was hardly any time for
discussion in a 45 min slot and the meeting was not videotaped.
So the effort went largely unnoticed.

This is simply a stand-in offer at short notice.
I know that people who prefer technical meetings will dislike it.
Perhaps you can respond +1 / -1 / 0 (don't-care).


(PS I never put the slides up on the website as I was thinking how
to reformat them to present the different points of view
on the obvious contentious issues. However I am still none the wiser
so I will just post the slides as is in the next few days
without further delay.)

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