[Baypiggies] Pycon 2008

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Wed Jan 10 02:51:30 CET 2007

At 05:12 PM 1/9/2007, Alvin Wang wrote:
>Would BayPiggies be interested in being the host organization

BayPiggies is not an organization and cannot assume legal liability or 
insure anything.  At some point, when a facilities contract needs to be 
signed, there is no legal entity which can sign.

BayPiggies needs to have

         a) a legal structure,
         b) volunteer(s) who will accept personal liability or
         c) sponsor(s) who will sign contracts

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |

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