[Baypiggies] Discussion for newbies/beginner night talks

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 00:15:52 CET 2007

#) Using try/except for flow control:

"""Try to actually log the user in.

BASIC IDEA: A million things can go wrong, and there are several ways to
succeed.  You want to check for the ways that can succeed and continue on as
soon as one of them does.  You want the non-local flow of control that
exceptions provide, but you need it for both success *and* failure.


def doLoginAction(self):
    """Try to actually log the user in."""
    class PasswordAccepted(Exception): pass
        if check_password():        # This may raise KeyError.
            raise PasswordAccepted
        if check_other_password():  #  This may raise KeyError.
            raise PasswordAccepted
        raise KeyError
    except KeyError:
        self.setError("Invalid username or password.")
    except PasswordAccepted:

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