[Baypiggies] End topic for this coming meeting/ March PyCon talk planning

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 7 02:14:12 CET 2007

I was going to suggest we look at the PyCon program
( http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/HomePage )
figure out what are the must-hear talks,
and try to get a list of volunteer names of
people who promise to give an overview of
them at the March meeting.


>From: jim stockford <jim at well.com>
>To: baypiggies at python.org
>Subject: [Baypiggies] End topic for this coming meeting
>Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 16:59:44 -0800
>     Let's spend the final ten or so minutes of this
>coming meeting figuring out who can report on
>their reaction to PyCon--what speakers will you
>see, will you be willing to summarize and opine.

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