[Baypiggies] Plone site

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 23:13:01 CEST 2007


Please feel free to login to the site.. and experiment with the
various types of content that can be added.. I've set the default
state for the site to "private".. everyone gets a member folder where
you can upload your presentations or info you want to share.. Once you
login.. look at the links below the green navigation bar.. this is
your personal toolbar.. the my folder link is of course..your folder
to store files and create folders and pages.. if you click on the link
with your username.. you can modify your preferences.. including
uploading a picture so if someone goes to your page

http://www.baypiggies.net/new/plone/author/baypiggies they can see a
pic (or logo) if that's what you want..

If you want something to be public.. you need to publish it (of course)..

The only way to really learn this system.. is to play with it.. so
please.. feel free to dig in.. I can't guarantee I'll get back to you
right away with answers.. but I'll try.. :-) My recommend is to post
your question about the Plone site..to the list.. and anyone who has
some background. can respond..

If there are any issues with logging in.. please let me know.


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