[Baypiggies] Unconfirmed for December meeting

Ken Seehart ken at seehart.com
Wed Nov 15 03:31:29 CET 2006

Count me in for Komodo.
- Ken Seehart

Dennis Reinhardt wrote:
> In looking over the lineup for the December meeting, the only private 
> confirmation response for December has come from Tony Cappellini for ~15 
> minute presentation (thanks).
> Marilyn (for IDE portion) and I have not heard from:
> 	Ken Seehart -  Komodo (~15 min)
> 	Robert Stephenson - Laser presentation control (30 minutes)
> We know Steve Hindle will not be able to present in December and so we have 
> a confirmation response from him (thanks).
> Donna/Tony, I see Tony has posted a book offer on the Plone development 
> part of Baypiggies site.  Did he do that?  If so, I think it would be great 
> to have a short "user experience" report on the Plone presentation redo 
> presently scheduled for January.  If we don't get confirmation, does moving 
> the Plone presentation to December work for Donna?  Would Tony be able/want 
> to contribute to a Baypiggies site Plone presentation?
> If anyone has a presentation they would like to give, we may shortly have 
> an opening in December or a cancelled meeting.
> Regards, Dennis
>   ---------------------------------
> | Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
> | Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |
>   ---------------------------------
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