[Baypiggies] Unconfirmed for December meeting

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 03:09:25 CET 2006

> >>Donna/Tony, I see Tony has posted a book offer on the Plone development
> >>part of Baypiggies site.  Did he do that?

Yes. I've been having a lot of problems with the site, and I want to see if
anyone else has any issues.
Although I've been editing pages, and most of the BP group can't do that
However, I want to see if anyone has any problems hitting (or even seeing)
that link.

>>Would Tony be able/want to contribute to a Baypiggies site Plone
> presentation?

I'm willing, but not really qualified. I've only edited the Book Reviews
pages thru the web interface, which doesn't require any knowledge about

I'm not the Plone admin, we only have one at the moment- Donna.

However, when the Plone site goes fully live, I can do a presentation on how
the new book reviews pages will work.
The intent is for registered users to be able to add their own reviews. I
don't think we are too far away from that level of functionality.
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