[Baypiggies] PyCon keynote up on Google Video

Donovan Preston dp at ulaluma.com
Fri Mar 10 19:33:52 CET 2006

On Mar 9, 2006, at 8:13 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Someone put my PyCon keynote up on Google Video. I don't remember
> signing a release, but okay, I hereby give my permission. Enjoy!
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=60331183357868340

Thank you. I enjoyed watching this very much. I have been obscenely  
busy (thought it wasn't possible to be any more busy -- I was wrong!)  
and haven't been following 2.5's development, but now I am very much  
looking forward to it's release. Especially AST branch, which I have  
been waiting for for years.

> At some point the slides will go up on python.org/essays/ppt/ but they
> aren't there yet (I mailed them to Tim Parkin already).

The correct url is http://www.python.org/doc/essays/ppt/

The /essays/ppt/ url is 404, and the 404 page on python.org has the  
old design. Ahh, nostalgia :-)


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