[Baypiggies] Job - Industrial Light & Magic

Dave Peticolas dave at krondo.com
Sun Jun 4 18:39:37 CEST 2006

Industrial Light & Magic -- Software Tools Engineer

This position develops and maintains a large body of Python code
related to the support of CG and visual effects production for ILM and
other Lucas companies. The projects include several large applications
and numerous smaller scripts and utilities.

You will be working on file management, process automation, workflow
tracking, and miscellaneous support tools. You will NOT be doing any
CG graphics programming or render pipeline programming.

You will work with a team of programmers in a fast and flexible work
environment. You will also work directly with users to obtain new
requirements and fix problems.


    * Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or other technical degree
      with 1+ years experience in a software development environment
      required. Demonstrated ability to serve as an effective
      contributor on mid to large scale development projects.
    * Expertise in Python
    * SQL and relational database experience.
    * Experience with GUI programming helpful, especially GTK
    * Experience with Twisted and PEAK is a bonus.
    * Proficient in UNIX. Windows proficiency a bonus.
    * Experience with computer graphics production a bonus.
    * Familiar with software development practices including unit testing.
    * Good communication and organization skills.

Use this link to apply:



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