[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies: Feb 9, 7:30pm (Ironport)

w chun wescpy at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 05:59:34 CET 2006

i've updated the web page with this month's talk info.

Jeffrey Harris will be giving an iCal talk, and Jimmy has a py2exe talk.

we still have room for 2 more talks, so if anyone else is delivering
at PyCon, pls step up now.  i'll only preview my talk if no one else



> The next meeting of BayPIGgies will be Thurs, February 9 at 7:30pm at
> Ironport.
> This meeting features PyCon practice talks by Wes Chun, Jimmy Retzlaff,
> and possibly others.

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