[Baypiggies] December meeting ... draft agenda

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Mon Dec 4 21:22:54 CET 2006

At 12:12 PM 12/4/2006, tpc247 at gmail.com wrote:

>just to be clear, is the meeting this Thursday or next Thursday ?  If the 
>former, the date is actually December 7, and if the latter, December 14.

Thur. Dec. 14.

Sorry, my PDA SW has a 2 month calendar and I have reflexively been looking 
at the month on the right for December.  Now that December has snuck up on 
us (only xx shopping days ...), December is now on the left.  I was looking 
at Jan. by mistake.

Sorry: meeting is Thur. Dec. 14.

Regards, Dennis

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |

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