[Baypiggies] Notice of Meeting Aug. 10 at Ironport

David Reid dreid at dreid.org
Tue Aug 8 04:03:44 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Max Slimmer wrote:
> My 2cents, 
> I am new, attended the last Ironport meeting. At least from the abstract in
> this case it is fairly obvious what the talk will be about and as far as
> level, unless the speaker states that everyone is assumed to understand
> twisted and the other libs used I would presume that he will give enough
> background in these areas such that those who have not yet experienced them
> will be able to follow the talk. At the same time if the audience is all
> comfortable and interested the presentation would be adjusted. 
> As long as the speaker is willing and able to adjust the level of the
> presentation based on the audience then stating the level in advance could
> be a handicap and limit the possibilities.
> max 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: baypiggies-bounces+max=theslimmers.net at python.org 
>> [mailto:baypiggies-bounces+max=theslimmers.net at python.org] On 
>> Behalf Of Stephen McInerney
>> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:05 PM
>> To: DennisR at dair.com
>> Cc: baypiggies at python.org
>> Subject: Re: [Baypiggies] Notice of Meeting Aug. 10 at Ironport
>> Hi Dennis,
>> I honestly do think this is very important.
>> Several times it has happened that people (esp. new people) 
>> would show up for a meeting  and it turned out to be not at 
>> all what they had expected based on the abstract.
>> Regards,
>> Stephen
>>> From: "Donna M. Snow" <donnamsnow at gmail.com>
>>> To: "Donna M. Snow" <donnamsnow at gmail.com>
>>> CC: baypiggies at python.org, Dennis Reinhardt <DennisR at dair.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [Baypiggies] Notice of Meeting Aug. 10 at Ironport
>>> Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 13:24:05 -0700
>>> Are there "levels" on the two presentations at Ironport?
>>> Donna M. Snow

Now that I'm able to send email again.  I'll fill in the gaps of my
synopsis.  It is mostly intended to generate interest in the this
particular area of development.  It's not a sales pitch, but it's
likewise not an intense technical tutorial.  I'll be giving an overview
of what Twisted is, and how it's various web servers and frameworks fit
together and what is going to be happening in the future.  The talk is
very much intended to clear up the numerous questions that new users
have when coming to twisted for web development.  I hope to provide a
clear idea of what problems each system solves and how to know which
works for you.

- -David

- --
"Usually the protocol is this: I appoint someone for a task,
which they are not qualified to do.  Then, they have to fight
a bear if they don't want to do it." -- Glyph Lefkowitz
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