[Baypiggies] An introduction...

Marilyn Davis marilyn at deliberate.com
Sat Apr 22 08:18:00 CEST 2006

Welcome Danny and Scott,

Thank you for telling us a little about yourselves and your interests.

We are in the midst of taking a survey and a vote.  You are welcome to

The survey:


The results will be presented at the next meeting.

The vote is on whether or not you think we should change our name:


or, if you'd rather vote by email:

1.  Send a message to:

    python at deliberate.com

2.  Subject must be:

    Change name?

3.  Message must be:

    eVote n        <-- n is 1, 0, or -1   indicating yes, abstain, no
    end            <-- if anything follows

Be aware that we can all see each others' votes.

Again, welcome!

Marilyn Davis

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