[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies Member Survey 2006! Win prizes!

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 9 22:31:10 CEST 2006

BayPIGgies Member Survey 2006

What are the objectives of the survey?
a) To get a clear picture of the membership (e.g. how many XML people
   in the East Bay? how many animators? newbies? engineers? do we have
   undetected clusters of common interests e.g. IronPython? who are
   the lurkers on the list?)
b) To identify relevant meeting topics of most interest to members
c) To improve logistics (meeting formats and locations, help line up
   speakers, enable carpooling etc.)

Why should I fill in the survey?
- All fully complete surveys received by the deadline (04/30) will be
  put in a draw to win PRIZES!! (books, Google gear, O'Reilly swag,
  course discounts, other exclusive items to be announced!)
- Help us make the meetings better, more focused and more relevant to
  YOUR needs!
- If you don't want to do the whole thing, please do just fill in the
  required sections. (You can bookmark it and come back later and
  add/update your responses.)
- Survey last ran in Mar 2003 and got 7 out of 87 responses. It was
  surprisingly helpful in identifying needs.
  As of Apr 2006 we now have 332 list members!
  This time, if we could get responses from even 100 of you that would be 

How to participate:
Via SurveyMonkey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?A=123951467E24825
Alternative #1: if you have problems with cookies or browser support,
  try it on someone else's machine.
Alternative #2: email your answers to spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Alternative #3: paper hardcopies will be made available at Apr mtg (sorry no 
PDF or DOC).

How will the results be available? Is privacy protected?
- Results will be tabulated and presented at future BayPIGgies meeting
  (tentatively May 2006) and also on baypiggies list.
- Results will be mostly in aggregate, e.g.
  "27 users interested in MacOS, 50 in Twisted, 18 in Ruby..."
- Privacy will be protected. In the survey you can choose to be fully
  anonymous, or not. No spam.
  All server data will be deleted at end of survey (by 05/15/06)

Browser support and Cookies
- SurveyMonkey works with IE, Mozilla/Netscape, Firefox. Doesn't work
  with Lynx. Requires JavaScript and cookies enabled.
- for cookie policy, see www.SurveyMonkey.com
- in case of problems, contact spmcinerney at hotmail.com and SurveyMonkey 

Acknowledgments: thanks to Marilyn Davis, John Dooley, Wesley, Danny
  Yoo, JJ, Rich Morin, Tony Capp, Deirdre, Aahz, Brian Mahoney, Wai Yip
  and all members, for comments, criticisms and input.

Thanks for your participation!
Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com

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