[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies leadership

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Fri Apr 7 03:42:51 CEST 2006

>Aahz> The level of anarchy IMO is primarily driven by lack of agenda.

The meeting format is also responsible here.  Announcements should be moved 
end of the meeting and be *brief*.  Having rapid fire, brief announcements 
at the end of the meeting will yield a latency of no more than a few 
minutes between the making of an announcement and the opportunity to go 
discuss it.  As it stands now, over an hour passes before there is an 
opportunity to discuss and most of the content of the announcement is 
lost.  Everybody loses.

Without announcements at the beginning, people who came for the technical 
part of the meeting can reasonably expect the program to start on time and 
leave when they want after it is over.

JJ> ... I personally find our current level of
 > anarchy somewhat fun, I've heard complaints that the group lacks
 > focus.

I will not travel very far for unfocused anarchy -- not my idea of fun.


| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |

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