[BangPypers] Invitation for November Monthly Meetup - Saturday 21 November

Ritesh Agrawal udr.ritesh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 08:41:51 EST 2020

Hi all

This mail is to invite you to November monthly meetup. The event
is scheduled on November 21, 2020.

10.30 - 11.15 Mahesh on Deploying ML Models on Lambda
11.15-11.20 Break
11.20 - 12.15 Kanishk - Image Classification using CNNs in Python
12.15 - 12.30 General discussions and Open House.

This will be an online event. We will be sending the invite link in the
email and also it will be updated on the meetup platform.

RSVP can be done on the meetup platform.

If you've any doubts, feel free to reach out to me(udr.ritesh at gmail.com),
Anirudha (
anirudhastark at gmail.com) or Abhiram (abhi.darkness at gmail.com).


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