[BangPypers] [Bangpypers] The big data paradox - A public lecture ( today -9th Oct , 5.45 PM - 8 PM) conducted by Hasgeek

Abhiram R abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 01:38:21 EDT 2019

Hi all,
In our daily workings with Python and its powerful libraries in the
Data Science
domain (among others), it's easy to understand why we intuitively
believe adages
like - "More data is good", "The more, the better" etc, because, for the
most part, they do help in solving problems more accurately by considering
larger representative data - the kind of representation that is possible
just by virtue of the sheer quantity of it.

Today's public (& free) lecture conducted by Hasgeek <https://hasgeek.com>
however, is titled - *The big data paradox: how a company like Mozilla is
focussing on better data, not more
 -where Stan Leong, Dr. Rebecca Weiss and Urmkia - Mika - Devi Shah from
Mozilla's senior Leadership will be sharing their experiences about
creating first-class products that don’t compromise personal data and focus
instead on what matters: function, performance, engagement, and trust.

This is an intriguing premise and I think it'd benefit you to attend as
well, if you're working even remotely with data (big or small :) )

More details about the event -

Today - 9th Oct , 5.45 PM - 8 PM

Bangalore International Centre (BIC), Domlur
Map : https://goo.gl/maps/hACDP8Ftkjb8Bfej7

*If you're unable to attend it offline, they'll be livestreaming it as well
at - https://hasgeek.tv <https://hasgeek.tv>*

Abhiram R <https://abhiramr.com>
(Co-organiser - Bangpypers)

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