[BangPypers] Call for speakers at AI Day @Treebo

Abhiram R abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 21:04:38 EDT 2018

Treebo Hotels is conducting "AI Day @ Treebo" on the 30th of June and we've
decided to utilize the event as our meetup event for the month.

We still have 2-3 slots available for speakers. People interested in
presenting any relevant talks at the event can fill in this form
https://goo.gl/forms/xg55i8Xv6htEs0PM2 .

In the interest of promoting diversity, it's highly encouraged that female
speakers come forward to present talks at this session, so if you've done
something that you consider interesting and want to showcase it on this
platform, please step up :)

Please reach out to Bargava Subramanian (bargava at gmail.com) , Raghotham (
raghotham.s at gmail.com) [points of contact for the event], me (
abhi.darkness at gmail.com) or Anirudh (anirudhastark at yahoo.com) for any

More details available here -

​PS - If you're confused about the kind of topics to present on, please
refer the link above and mail us collectively. ​

Abhiram R​ <https://twitter.com/abhi5459>

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