[BangPypers] Paid Workshop - Device Interfacing with Python

kracekumar ramaraju kracethekingmaker at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 04:52:06 EDT 2017


BangPypers is conducting a paid workshop on "Interfacing with Python" [0]
on 15th July, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The objective of the workshop is to understand how various sensors and
actuators are accessed and controlled from a Linux-based embedded system.
We hope this will be a starting point for people who want to build
connected and IoT-enabled embedded systems using Linux.

1. Laptop with GNU/Linux, Windows, OSX installed. Two free USB ports on the
2. Programming experience in Python
3. Putty or any similar ssh client installed.

The complete agenda for the workshop is on meetup page [1]. The workshop is
an excellent opportunity to start learning about the hardware side of the
world from the experts.

The ticket fee is 100 INR. You can track the expense here [2].

Feel free to contact us about the workshop. Share the news [3][4].

[1]: https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/240209094/
[3]: https://twitter.com/__bangpypers__/status/884693832348061696
[4]: https://www.facebook.com/events/251347065359843

Thanks & Regards


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