[BangPypers] [Commercial] [Job] Python Automation Test Framework implementation

Sushrut Deshpande dsushrut at qvestron.com
Wed Dec 7 06:23:04 EST 2016

Hi Krishna,

If you can furnish some more details we can see if we can help completing it in 2months.

Best Regards,
Sushrut Deshpande
Founder - Qvestron Systems Pvt. Ltd.,
dsushrut at qvestron.com
+91 9513333160

On 7 Dec 2016 16:33, at 16:33, krishna raja <jkrishnaraju001 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am looking for one python expert to develop a full-stack test
>for specific requirements. The total duration of this project is two
>or less than 2 months. I would like to develop a framework to test
>functionality based on REST / API and UI based application.
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