[BangPypers] Good and practical resources to build Web Apps using Django

Aby James gits1225 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 14:56:27 CET 2015

Arun, thank you for the pointers. Your series on Building a Hacker News
clone in Django is actually bookmarked but I totally forgot! How ironic.

The sore point we are facing right now (among many others) is the gap from
a beginner who have "learned" a programming language and "know" a framework
to actually building production ready software. One of the things that we
have been successful in doing is actually "typing" and "copying" the source
code of an app step by step into completion. For example:

I feel Michael Hartl's tutorial addresses that to some degree, but I also
need to go through your pointers and see if it is actually what I am
looking for.

Thank you,

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