[BangPypers] UI less Rest API server with flask

Anuvrat Parashar anuvrat at anuvrat.in
Mon Jun 22 12:08:17 CEST 2015

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 3:25 PM, anu sree <anusree.a04 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks anuvrat,
> My first question was, Should I use only flask to develop REST API like in
> this example https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/api-pycon2015
> or fask + flask_restful ?
All flask-restful does is providing you a very basic scaffolding to write
restful APIs.
With only flask, you would be lacking even that and would be building it on
your own ...

So the answer "depends" on your goal.
 - Are you trying to learn flask itself: go with barebone flask.
 - API is a subtask, you have a much bigger fish to fry: go with
flask-classy / python-eve.

Hope it helps, and does not confuse you more than you already are ;)


Anuvrat Parashar <http://anuvrat.in>

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