[BangPypers] Sequoia Capital India's Annual hackathon | Call for application

Kartik Sharma kartik at venturesity.com
Wed Aug 12 14:56:42 CEST 2015


Hope you are doing well.

Would like to apprise you of Sequoia::Hack 2015<http://www.venturesity.com/challenge/id/32?utm_source=mail2&utm_medium=outlook&utm_campaign=SequoiaInvite>. It is the annual Hackathon by Sequoia Capital India, and will take place in Bangalore on Aug 29&30.

The aim is to get creative minds work on interesting 'tracks' in a high energy environment and helping them develop game-changing solutions over the weekend.
CEOs, Product Heads, CTOs, technical architects, distinguished engineers and chief scientists of various companies from India and abroad will be available as mentors on the ground.

Registration link and further details of tracks are present here: Sequoia::Hack 2015<http://www.venturesity.com/challenge/id/32?utm_source=inbox&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=sequoiamailchimp1>
Request you to spread the word among startups and enthusiasts wanting to make a difference.

We can correspond over phone for any related clarification.  I am available at +91 9718535775



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