[BangPypers] { exctract italic, bold }

shankha shankhabanerjee at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 06:05:10 CET 2014

I have used a package called xlutils to generate excel files. Never
had the need to read back something. Check if it has API's for reading
as well. I would be surprised if ti doesn't.
Shankha Banerjee

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Shashidhar Paragonda
<shashidhar85 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Python hackers
>>>> I have a excel file which has some amount of data.
>>>> The data in each row has some words which are italic and bolded.
>>>> my requirement is I need to extract only italic or bold words from each
> row.
>>>> any suggestions on the same, thank you in advance.
> -----------------------------------
> Regards,
> Shashidhar N.Paragonda
> shashidhar85 at gmail.com
> +919900093835
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