[BangPypers] Volunteer for Managing pycon India Website content

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Wed May 22 19:23:57 CEST 2013

Gora Mohanty <gora at mimirtech.com> writes:


> I presume that one just forks the repo, informs people what one
> is working on, and sends Anand  a pull request once the work is
> done.
> I have a fundamental question. Since the above requirements have
> workflows like registration, and since the content will be expanding
> significantly, is there any interest in moving to a framework plus
> CMS? If so, my vote would be for Django + feincms.

I'm not sure that's a good thing given how short of time we are. New
technology always has some settling time often due to non technical
issues and that's a time sink right now. 

> Also, are there timelines for the various tasks, or even a broad
> deadline? Finally, I presume that this discussion needs to move
> offline, or to a different mailing list.

The discussions are better done on the inpycon mailing list. I presume
you're already on it. 



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