[BangPypers] suggestions for emacs and python

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Wed Jul 17 12:14:02 CEST 2013

Umar Shah <umar43 at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> A week of experiments and this is my current status:
> Emacs : version 23 (streight apt-get install )

Use emacs-snapshot with 
deb http://emacs.naquadah.org/ unstable/
deb-src http://emacs.naquadah.org/ unstable/
in your sources file. It gives you version 24 which comes with
package.el built in. 

> Packaging : el-get (once you understand recipe files, you can get almsot
> all possible packgaes )
> Python : jedi (this works super cool )

Haven't used this. I just use autocomplete.el and that gives me context
free completions for all my buffers. 

> Org : (this one is really a big plus of using emacs, thanks @noufal)
> I miss some features from sublime (symbol browser, goto anything, multi
> edit)

I'm not sure what those do but it's possible that there are equivalents
in Emacs. If you can give me details, I might be able to suggest

> Plan to try :
> * helm ( will require to upgrade to emacs 24)
> * someth for project mode like EDE
> * java (will see if I can give up eclipse also ;)

Good luck.

> Overall, all the effort to move to emacs seems every bit worth it.

Of course it is.  :)



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