[BangPypers] Feedspot Giveaway: Bangpypers get free subscription to Feedspot - A Google Reader+Google Alerts Replacement

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Sat Aug 24 10:03:15 CEST 2013

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On Saturday 24 August 2013 03:59 AM, Anuj Agarwal wrote:
> Hello Bangpypers,
> My name is Anuj. I'm Founder of Feedspot - A Google Reader
> replacement with built-in Search and Sharing features.
> http://www.feedspot.com <http://www.feedspot.com/?start=g>
> We recently launched Feedspot and got reviewed by TechCrunch. Along
> with Google Reader, we are building a Google Alerts replacements
> as well. Our 'Keyword Tracking' technology lets you track news
> using Keywords.

Very good and all the best with your venture.
> I'd like to invite Bangpypers to beta test Feedspot. Feedspot runs
> on a freemium model. I'd like to give Bangpypers one year 
> subscription for helping us in beta testing the app. Please use 
> BangPypers_FEEDSPOT as promo code to enable your Annual Pro 
> Membership.<https://www.feedspot.com/fs/upgrade?start=g>

BangPypers is not the place for running these kind of subscription
advertisement models. Since this is not a company but a group for free
and open discussions, the creation of any promo code tied to the
group name is not advisable. I (as list admin) would like you to
remove it.

You are welcome to have a discussion related to Python otherwise
in this group.

> You can follow curated Python Folders created by other users By Al
> Snow http://www.feedspot.com/folder/4RLFuWMc [42 feeds] By James
> http://www.feedspot.com/folder/4BvJt2Ub [9 feeds] By Selwin Ong
> http://www.feedspot.com/folder/4RTJsl8f [11 feeds] By testbunker
> http://www.feedspot.com/folder/5hfKtl8=  [7 feeds] By Lydia Ling
> http://www.feedspot.com/folder/4xfNuV4= [15 feeds]
> Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me.

Yes, prefix your subject lines with [Commmercial] before
making such posts.

Kindly note I have put you into moderation.

> Best, Anuj _______________________________________________ 
> BangPypers mailing list BangPypers at python.org 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers

- -- 

- --Anand

Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org

Please note my updated email address <anandpillai at letterboxes.org>.
Kindly update your address books.

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