[BangPypers] Minutes of the usergroup meeting - 24-11-2012

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Tue Nov 27 07:01:27 CET 2012

kracekumar ramaraju <kracethekingmaker at gmail.com> writes:


> I am interested. If we can have atleast 2 - 3 people we can avoid
> single point of failure. We can also identify more people and train
> with the efforts.

Firstly, I think the IPSS should have a single point of contact for a
group. He or she can delegate to multiple people if necessary or
required but that's not our business.

Secondly, these are policy decisions for the website and to be discussed
in a different forum like IPSS. In any case, not a regional group
list. We should really get it going only after we solidify
those. Otherwise, these decisions will be ad hoc and we might later have
to revisit them.



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