[BangPypers] re module help

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Mon Jan 9 10:15:33 CET 2012

Ganesh Kumar <bugcy013 at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Guys,
> I have created regular expression with os modules, I have created file
> sdptool to match the regular expression pattern, will print the result.
> I want without creating file how to get required output, I tried but i
> didn't get output correctly, over stream.

You should use the subprocess module to deal with external commands.

>>> import subprocess
>>> s = subprocess.Popen(["head", "/etc/hosts"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
>>> hosts_head = s.stdout.read()
>>> print hosts_head       localhost


Use that get your output and then parse it with the regexp.


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