[BangPypers] Wake Up guys!

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 02:41:11 CET 2012

Looks like you have joined the group just now. Bangalore group has
been pretty active and we are having regular meetings every month.

See http://bangalore.python.org.in/ to know what happened in last 2 meetups.


On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Srinivas Gowda <srinivas at solancer.com> wrote:
> hi guys,
> I'm Srinivas Gowda a fellow Linux and Python geek from Bangalore. I stumbled
> upon the Bangalore Python users group when I was googling for latest PyCon
> events in Bangalore. I also did pay a visit to the other python user groups
> and realized that Bangalore group has not been very active for quite
> sometime whereas the other groups from Mumbai
> <http://mumpy.org/wiki/Upcoming_Events>, Chennai
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#%21topic/chennaipy/Rs44cc8C104>...
> are super active.
> So consider this as a wake up call to all you BingoPypers.
> --
> *Srinivas Gowda*
> www.solancer.com | blog <http://solancer.blogspot.com> | G+
> <https://plus.google.com/u/0/107418624432219437657/posts>
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