[BangPypers] Try Ninja IDE

Sujit Ghosal thesujit at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 18:06:44 CEST 2012

Hi Yoganand,
    Well first of all, the IDE looks quite neat. I gave it a try in both
Ubuntu//Win7 but it looks like it lacks source code debugging feature which
should be a de-facto standard for any regular IDE out there! For
confirmation at your end, can you put some breakpoints in your code and try
stepping through the code? I am doubtful if it works at your end.

However you can give a try to PyScripter. Its lovely! I use it regularly
and to the best of my knowledge its one of the best open source IDE out
there with almost all the required features for any small//big project
development needs.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Yoganand Anandaraju <yoganand at gmx.com>wrote:

> Try Ninja IDE. Its one of the best python IDE I have ever used.
> Regards,
>  Yoganand
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