[BangPypers] Using Facebook graph api in a page tab application

Senthil Kumaran senthil at uthcode.com
Wed Oct 5 13:24:36 CEST 2011

On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 09:50:00PM +0530, Amit Sethi wrote:
> This is a page tab application running inside iframe . This seems to
> be quite a used workflow

I did not quite get this, if you have pointer to the app it would be

> As the documentation say "As with a Canvas Page, you will not receive
> all the user information accessible to your app in the signed_request
> until the user authorizes your app."

This is straight forward. All it says is the user should be
authenticated via facebook api.

> Can someone tell me what I have missed in this workflow and how I can
> get data/signed_request in relation to the changed permission status.

Here is a simple facebook demo application.


It uses the facebook api for appengine and authenticates itself using
api and redirects the user back to the application running in the
canvas element.

Here is the code if it is of any help.


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