[BangPypers] To use Pinax or just Django

Vineet Naik naikvin at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 06:43:58 CET 2011


I am considering Pinax/Django for a new project. When I came across Pinax,
I initially liked it but after installing it locally and evaluating it for
the project's requirement, I feel that most of the "apps" that come with it
may not work for the project as they are, and would require some amount of

I am confused whether to use Pinax or just Django.

my main concerns about Pinax are -

1) It supports Django ver 1.xx whereas current stable Django is at 1.3 and
the apps are also not quite upto-date
2) Code for the "ready" apps lies inside the Pinax project and there is no
way to override their behaviour for a certain project only. ie. either the
code inside Pinax directory will have to be modified or the app will have
to be copied inside the project (and renamed to avoid conflict if I am not
wrong ?)
3) Modifying the default theme looks like some work

One thing in Pinax that would be helpful is the "Group" and "Group Aware"
Apps - [http://pinaxproject.com/docs/dev/groups/]

My experience with Django itself is very limited in the first place, never
having used it in production.
My background is mostly web development using PHP & Java, although I am
quite comfortable with writing python scripts  involving file system
operations, web scraping etc.

What do you suggest, Pinax or just Django ? Please share your experiences
with Pinax.


Vineet Naik

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