[BangPypers] [Job] Epic Browser Creators Hiring Web Developers!

alok at hiddenreflex.com alok at hiddenreflex.com
Wed May 4 13:46:38 CEST 2011

Hi Bangpypers,

We're a highly innovative product company, and seek like-minded software
engineers to join our team.  Hidden Reflex is the creator of the Epic
Browser, the first web browser for India, which in just 8 months has
nearly 7 lakh downloads across 194 countries.  Our second product is a
soon-to-be-launched django/python web application which will be one of the
largest news aggregation and delivery apps ever launched, and probably the
biggest ever for India.

If you want to work on cutting edge web technologies, are hard-working and
into all things technical...then you'll find a good home as part of our
team.  Please write me to begin a discussion!

Best Regards,
Alok, CEO and Founder
Hidden Reflex
alok at hiddenreflex dot com

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