[BangPypers] need for Python based CRM/ERP system...extensible

Vishal vsapre80 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 14:58:41 CEST 2011

Hello Folks,

I am in need of a CRM/ERP system (more CRM) which is in Python and allows me
to extend it as and when needed. Here are some important requirements:

a) Preferably Web based
b) Authentication support
c) Non-Oracle, Non-Access based
d) Allow us to create charts and plots based on data collected.
e) Allows users to search through all the data...

Do you have any stars in mind?

I also have a crazy idea of using TRAC and creating plugins for making it
look like a CRM system. What do you think of this?

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre

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