[BangPypers] [FREE] python/django training

vikas ruhil vikasruhil06 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 21:56:37 CEST 2011

<Nope,till now no arrangement because there much more people interested that
i expect .I  also get some donations too but it is not possible make
arrangement more 50 people so it's better people from other city.
<But by next time i make arrangement  so people can come from outside also ,
so now no space here all 50 is full.but you can ping me a mail , so i can
send source code/video tutorial on your mail id!
< there are many query from Bangalore about 12 person till now ,but sorry to
guys funding is problem, not till next time In winter. no need to worry feel
free mail me regard any python/django/pinax related stuff

<You know i am expecting  toll about 30 people maximum , but people crazy
about Django so it reach to 50 those coming to venue & other  27
subscriber to source code .so Renuka next time i come up with full
arrangement Don't worry might be next time we organizes it in Bangalore in

<soon we just gonna to lauch a website realted our community . Till now you
can get tutorial on my blog & all other updates, their also some good links
realted to stuff from novice to professional on my blog
<Blog link:http://learnhackstuff.blogspot.com

Vikash ruhil

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