[BangPypers] Suggestion for GUI

steve steve at lonetwin.net
Mon Jan 10 19:10:52 CET 2011


You already got the reply to your question so feel free to ignore this.

On 01/10/2011 10:05 PM, Narendra Sisodiya wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Venkatraman S<venkat83 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> [...snip...]
> My experience in this community  -- "You 90% sucks 90%"

I do not understand what that meant ^^^. Are you trying to say this community is 
hostile ?

> * Yup I made mistake by replying bottom posting but that's ok. If you Google
> search on my name ....blah blah blah [...snip...]....infact I keep
> on instructing others So its better not to give lecture on everybody..

It doesn't matter who you are and what you've done before if you've committed a 
mistake. The gracious thing to do when someone points out your mistake is to 
accept it an apologize. If that is too much effort, just don't say anything and 
move on, being careful not to do commit the mistake again.

> * May of you were kinds enough that you started explaining me fundas of
> License Copyright and other things. Who the hell asked about all this.

You did AFAICT:


> That's exactly I want to understand. Let take a fictitious example
> [...snip...]
> I want to understand the benefit/advantage of buying commercial license for
> PyQT.

In fact, afaict from your responses of coming up with imaginative fairy-tale 
scenarios where your code spits out valid PyQt which your users then may use 
after downloading GPL'd PyQt (did I get that right ?) I might even say you are 

> I will ask my query on company's email id and will forward to this mailing
> list but I would to say again... Please always reply what somebody is
> asking.. Even though you are trying to help by reply but actually you
> discourage and irritate people..

I did not see one thing that would be perceived as discouraging or irritating to 
anyone who does not have a egoistical 
attitude. Please take a deep breath and re-read the responses. They were all 
polite (maybe tongue-in-cheek; I don't remember, but polite nonetheless).

A lot of time, a lot of people (me included) just reply to content, without even 
bothering to check the name of the sender. So, if they include something that 
you already know about, it is not out of condescension but just because of the 
programmer trait of being complete as well as concise.

- steve

random spiel: http://lonetwin.net/
what i'm stumbling into: http://lonetwin.stumbleupon.com/

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