[BangPypers] BangPypers meeting February 2011

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 08:06:30 CET 2011

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:
>> These are the topics I am interested to listen:
>> 1. Using MongoDB with Python
>> 2. Python 3 porting experience
>> 3. Using Jenkins/Hudson for continuous integration
>> Well, I cannot present on any of these topics :)
> [...]
> Nice topics but I think we should sprint on the website you made.
> Diamond district is a more central location than is Jayanagar (I think)
> so participation will be higher if we hold it there.
> It would be an achievement if we collaboratively got something out the
> door that the entire community benefits from.
> What do you feel?

I am interested to sprint more on the site.  In fact I am working
on it whenever I get time.  There are the new features I added after our sprint:

1. Atom feed
2. It is possible to add project not listed in PyPI

I am trying to wear a hat of UI designer also :)

I am planning to add tag (keyword/label) feature.  So that users can add
tags like: fedora15, ubuntu1104, django, pylons, macos etc.

Also I want start working the "feedback" script:
This will provide a console script (setuptools based entry point)
which can be used to submit feedback directly from the
machine.  In order to accomplish this I and want
create a RESTful API: http://getpython3.net/api/1.0/newfeedback

Another functionality I want build is auto-detect the trove classifier
(Programming Language :: Python :: 3) and display it prominently,
see this page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=browse&c=533&show=all

Yeah. I am getting more ideas like this :)

So, I am fine with one more sprint on this topic.

But for those who want to discuss something else, we should have another
meeting also.

Baiju M

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