[BangPypers] [Python][Hudson][Tests] Problems - help needed

Senthil Kumaran senthil at uthcode.com
Tue Aug 30 13:59:00 CEST 2011

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 03:20:58PM +0530, Subhodip Biswas wrote:
> What I did is : easy_install someModule.
> So now in my eclipse install I can see these modules and use them accordingly.
> If i am trying to build the same from a different machine. I need
> these to be configured right in a way that normal jython mymodule.py
> works.

Well, if you can carry those modules along to new server that would
resolve your dependencies.  The other option is to create a
virtualenv. I believe there is an option to create a virtualevn for
jython interpreter too and in which case all your dependencies are
installed within that environment.

On anymachine that you want to execute, you have to create that setup.

> In java we generally attach the libs in the classpath and build using
> ant. What do i do in case of jython? write an ant file doing the
> same(pyanttasks) or is there another way to do so?

Yes, you can write an Ant task to build your project for Jython.
Even this seems interesting: 

> Can you point me to the some docs where i can look for the same? my
> google search does not provide me any good results. My current hudson
> successfully located the file but is unable to show me any reports
> based the junit type xml files.

Look at how pytest is being tested.


They are running py.test and with xdist plugin. py.test has an option
to generate junit.xml style output. Once that is generated,
jenkins/hudson is pointed to the xml and it can generate the report

I am not sure why you went with Jython in the first place, but if it
was just for interfacing with Hudson, then the above pytest example
should convey a message that jython is NOT a requirement for
building software/running tests and generating reports.
If you would like to start small, then I would suggest you to write
py.test test, execute it and get the junit xml output and then point
it to your jenkins/hudson and see the report. If this works, then you
can go ahead try for your task.


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