[BangPypers] ZeroMQ & Python

Gopalakrishnan Subramani gopalakrishnan.subramani at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 19:54:59 CEST 2010

Thank you for detail. I want to use the queuing service for my aggregator
platform where there are set of applications running on different machines
and I need to send some tasks to perform. The tasks could be re-index the
search db or remove an entry from all the data stores (cache, MySqlDB, Redis
and Tyrant).

I had bad experience with RabbitMQ when I used it along with celery project.
When the system fails some times, there seems to be error and the error
messages written to the dump and we need to kill some processes and
reinstall RabbitMQ.

I read that ZeroMQ doesn't support persistent. What is the good way to
handle the persistent in ZeroMQ?



On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Pradeep Gowda <pradeep at btbytes.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Gopalakrishnan Subramani
> <gopalakrishnan.subramani at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Anybody had experience in using ZeroMQ? I heard that AMQP has flaw in the
> > design through news posting. When I want to make independent applications
> > who works based on message queue, it is worth considering ZeroMQ?
> I am using ZeroMQ.
> But, without knowing what is that you want to do with Message Queues, it is
> difficult to argue for or against ZMQ/AMQP.
> ZeroMQ API is very  simple and zeromq itself is trivial to setup
> (No erlang dependency like RabbitMQ etc.,
> it can be installed with standard ./configure && make && make install ).
> Why don't you try a scaled downprototype of your app and share the
> findings.
> I could not have used other MQs like RabbitMQ because of hardware
> limitations.
> I'm using ZMQ (XREQ/XREP) to queue up read/write message to a hardware
> device.
> +PG
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