[BangPypers] Query generation engine/library

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 14:54:22 CET 2010

> I am looking for a a way to generate optimised queries in SQL (or
> SQL-like languages like Hadoop Pig) by chaining clauses such as where,
> group by, order by etc based on a set of (optimising) rules. Is there
> any such library in python which would let me do that. Example
> approach would be create a query object and then use some inbuilt
> method to generate the actual query before executing it.
> I will probably have to change whatever alternatives are so a good
> starting point would be helpful.

Take something like Django's ORM or SQLAlchemy and hack it until you
are satisfied :)


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at gmail.com

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