[BangPypers] duck typing -A random thought

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 10:58:20 CEST 2010

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
<srinivas_thatiparthy at akebonosoft.com> wrote:
> is it just because of duck typing we don't require a concept of interfaces(like in Java and C#) in python? i think so.what you say?

It's not that you don't "require" it. As Baiju said, the Zope thing
does it quite well.

However, because of duck typing (and introspection), it's possible to
achieve similar results in different ways. I really like the way the
py.test hook system works, for example, as an extension mechanism.


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