[BangPypers] Fwd: [Inpycon] T-shirt/Logo designs

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 12:26:32 CEST 2010

Santosh Rajan <santrajan at gmail.com> writes:

> Why don't you contact these guys.
> http://www.inkfruit.com/
> <http://www.inkfruit.com/>I am suggesting them because I read an article
> about them in rediff recently.
> http://getahead.rediff.com/slide-show/2010/may/28/slide-show-1-achievers-interview-with-founders-of-inkfruit.htm
> <http://getahead.rediff.com/slide-show/2010/may/28/slide-show-1-achievers-interview-with-founders-of-inkfruit.htm>Why
> don't someone contact the founders and ask them if they can help.


I have a couple of people I can contact. I'd much prefer that the
community itself came up with designs (similar to what we did for the
logo last year).


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