[BangPypers] Contribution to Opensource

Amit Saha lists.amitsaha at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 08:34:51 CET 2010

Hi Nikunj:

nikunj badjatya wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently joined this mailing list so as to improve my knowledge on Python.
> Its been 4 months I am using Python. So I decided to contribute to any Open
> source project. Can you help me on how to proceed on this,  Whom to contact
> etc.

The project you decide to contribute will depend a lot on your interest. 
But since you are just starting with Python, I have been involved with a 
project called "Zeya"- (A music playing server) 
http://web.psung.name/zeya/. Its written in Python and some 
Javascript/HTML. The source code is really really easy to follow.  If 
music interests you, you may give it a shot. Please visit the project 
website and ask questions on the *project's* mailing list (not here).

There will be more suggestions, I am sure. At the end of it all, its 
your interest that matters!

Good Luck!

> Thanks,
> Nikunj Badjatya
> BTech
> Bangalore, India
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