[BangPypers] how the file rc.local and command update-rc.d are related

BR!j!TH brijithp at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 11:51:15 CET 2010

> There are slight differences, depending on which OS you are
> using (I presume that it is a Linux distribution), so let us
> know the output from "uname -a" and "cat /etc/issue".
> brijith at ubuntu201:~/amracs$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu201 2.6.31-18-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 8 14:55:26 UTC 2010
i686 GNU/Linux
brijith at ubuntu201:~/amracs$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 9.10 \n \l

brijith at ubuntu201:~/amracs$

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