[BangPypers] Could not connect to freenode IRC

Shashwat Anand anand.shashwat at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 06:24:35 CET 2010

Give some more details.

Possible scenarios :
1> You are using a webclient such as webchat.freenode.net which is not
allowed by that channel
sol - use IRC clients
2> You are not authenticated and that channel does not permit
unauthenticated nicks
sol - authenticate your nick
3> You use a public ip which have a bad-reputation and is banned
ask moderator to unbann you
4> You did spamming/trolling/other mischievous activities :P
you deserve banning ;)

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 10:48 AM, BR!j!TH <brijithp at gmail.com> wrote:

> > looks like your ip has been banned - is it a dynamic ip? if it is a BSNL
> dynamic IP, that happens very often
> Any solution ?
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