[BangPypers] which one is the best pythonic way .

Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy srinivas_thatiparthy at akebonosoft.com
Tue Feb 9 05:52:36 CET 2010

I have written  four solutions to a problem(self explanatory) ,out of
them ,which one is the  pythonic way of doing  and 
is there any other ways of solving it?
1.sum([i for i in range(1000) if i%3==0 or i%5==0])

2.gen=(i for i in range(1000))
   sum([i for i in gen if i%3==0 or i%5==0])
3.sum(filter(lambda a:a%3==0 or a%5==0,range(1000)))
4.def generator(m):
        while count<m:
                 if count%3==0 or count%5==0:
                     yield count
sum([i for i in generator(1000)])
~ Srini T

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