[BangPypers] [OT] Offline Payments for Pycon India

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 09:47:04 CEST 2010

Vinayak Hegde <vinayakh at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I just registered for Pycon India and it says that payments can be
> made at Local user groups meetings in the offline mode. I have opted
> for offline as Do attend's online system is honestly confusing.
> Is there any easier way to make payments such as EFT to an holding
> account for Pycon India ? That would really help.
> Apologies for spamming the group but I thought that other people on
> the list (who want to attend Pycon India) might have similar
> questions.


If you can transfer the amount to our account directly (the bank details
are here - http://ipss.org.in/) and then let us know your ticket and
order numbers, we can do what's necessary. 


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