[BangPypers] [Commercial] B2B website design and development

Jamal (jammoham) jammoham at cisco.com
Sat Aug 7 10:40:32 CEST 2010

I am posting this on behalf of my cousin:


I would like to get a B2B website developed for the Middle East region. I
have a domain registered clearsurplus.com and hosting (windows server + sql
db) via godaddy.com.

This website will facilitate the stockists in this region to list their
surplus/excess/old stock for sale at throwaway prices. We charge them a
annual subscription fee for the listing. Buyers search the listed items and
contact the stockists for free.

Please respond if anyone is interested to build the same.

Warm regards,

Erfan Mohammad.

Email:  erfan at clearsurplus.com

Mobile: +971504408256 (Dubai)

Blackberry PIN: 20E88BBA

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