[BangPypers] Innovative Two Product Start-Up Hiring Brilliant Developers

Bharath Keshav bharath.keshav at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 21:10:46 CET 2009

Hello Bangpypers,

My start-up is hiring...we've got two products ready which we'll be
launching in the next two months:  an innovative news aggregation web
application and a new browser built on Mozilla.  We're currently considering
brilliant and super-motivated, ego-less developers at the fresher, junior
and senior levels.  You should have a very solid computer science background
ideally with expertise in C and or C++.  Your work will be either in
Python/Django/Javascript or in Mozilla which mostly involves Mozilla
technologies built mostly on Javascript.  You should be highly interested in
web applications, new web technologies and standards, algorithms, a dynamic
intense start-up environment, and changing the world.

We offer a competitive salary, intense, challenging and rewarding work.

If you're seeking a new challenge and this sounds like you, please send us
your CV or resume and a letter describing what brought you
to technology/programming to jobs at hiddenreflex dot com.

Bharath Keshav
Hidden Reflex.

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